2 Year Anniversary Sale

Celebrate TWO years of Freedom Beauty November 7th-November 10th, 2023


Check out these AMAZING offers ONLY happening within the dates above.

If you are unsure which service is the best treatment for you, please reach out to Amber directly to book a complimentary consult to build a custom treatment plan.


FAT FREEZING BOGO – buy one area and get the second area for FREE!

This is the BEST deal of the year!

Fat Freezing is a nonsurgical fat reduction procedure that uses cold temperature to reduce fat deposits in certain areas of the body. The procedure is designed to reduce localized fat deposits or bulges that do not respond to diet and exercise. Studies have shown an average fat reduction of between 15 and 28 percent at around 4 months after initial treatment. However, you may begin to notice changes as early as 3 weeks after treatment. Dramatic improvement is noticed after about 2 months.

Fat Freezing can treat fat deposits beneath the chin, upper arms, inner and outer thighs, abdomen, hip/flank (“love handles”), upper back (“brassiere rolls”), lower back, and underneath the buttocks.


SLIMWAVE – 45 Minute sessions

The perfect time to stock up and SAVE $40 PER regularly price 45 minute session

SlimWave is a body sculpting, non-surgical treatment that uses EMS (electro muscle stimulation) technology to target and tone your muscles. The 45-minute treatments create firmness and strength by stimulating the body’s natural fat burning and toning process – without having to haul your a** to the gym.

With SlimWave you can also target several areas at the same time. This stimulation from the electrical currents also increases circulation to the skin, which will improve texture, tone and reduce cellulite (waa hoo!). The interesting part of SlimWave is that it works 100% of your muscle fibres, while exercise alone only works around 60% of muscle fibres. It is exercise for those who aren’t able to do the work, or a fabulous way to tone up the most stubborn areas of the body (hi, lower abs and inner thighs). Especially in the winter or during busy times of the year, it’s great to have the option to keep your muscles activated through a low-impact, high-intensity treatment like SlimWave. 

Sessions expire one year after purchase date

ON sale for $80+ per session

Click the link to purchase as many as you would like.

CELLUSKIN– $129 PER Session (Regular $350)

CelluSkin is an innovative cellulite treatment that employs soft acoustic waves to break down cellulite-forming molecules. This technology relaxes hard collagen bands that press on fat cells while enhancing lymphatic drainage and blood circulation.

Sessions expire one year after purchase date

Click the link to purchase as many as you would like.


All of the ABOVE sales have payment plan options for anyone who needs them.

Reach out to Amber directly to create an appointment to complete payment plan paperwork.


Thank you to everyone who ha supported me and my business over the last two years!

I couldn’t have done it without YOU!


come and visit our gym center

Accusata forensibus disputando id has, qui vivendo nostrum ancillae. Dicunt iudicabit mel ea, iudico contentiones.

Monday – Friday

07:00 – 22:30


09:00 – 21:00


12:00 – 18:00